About Us

"Matzpen” provides a response to the need for accurate and specific information     from the wide range of sources available today.

Instead of getting lost or obtaining only partial information, "Matzpen" will provide you with the data you require within the parameters and the precise body of information that you specify.

"Matzpen" has at its disposal accomplished “information hunters” who possess experience and knowledge in a myriad of fields and who will locate the information required by the client quickly, efficiently and according to the your needs.

The information you require is available, and we will locate it for you!


The professionals at "Matzpen" will undertake a systematic search on the electronic media, in linear data bases and various archives, and based on your demands, they will widen the search to additional media sources and provide you with the information you require.

Such information will be delivered to you after having been collated, filtered and processed according to your needs.


We will locate information for you efficiently and with distinction!

In addition to our regular location and discovery of information on demand, we maintain strong and continuous contact with various professional bodies from around the world which enable us to respond to your special needs, such as gathering business information, receiving data on organizations and corporations, locating people, etc.

Our services are offered to all those for whom knowledge is power

You are invited to contact us with regard to any matter falling under our specialties.